Saturday, November 19, 2011

7 steps

How do you stop making yourself miserable, and start living your dreams. I've been giving this one a lot of thought lately.

  1. Walk- this is so easy and so important, yet we don't do it. Our bodies need physical exercise and walking is the easiest way to get it. Plus you are outside and you see people.
  2. Sleep – is very important to good health. I can not function without 8 hours of sleep.
  3. Friends – We need people. You should have a group of friends 5 or more. You don't need to see these people everyday, but with 5 or more you have a better chance of seeing at least one of them once a week.
  4. Give Thanks- when you appreciate what you have you are less likely to be jealous of others.
  5. Get involved- joining a group or going to church something that you have to do at least once a week. (But please make sure it is something you enjoy)
  6. Limit what you watch- TV is not real nobody wants to keep up with the Kardashian's
  7. And remember things don't make you happy, living YOUR dream makes you happy

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Some time being me can be a little bit dizzy. I have Meniere's disease, which if you have to have a disease this is a good one to have. The only way I know how to explain it is this, it's like the morning after you been to a rock concert, having a hang over yet still being drunk.

I think I have learned to cope with the little flare up very well. I know that I need naps, don't know why, but they help with the dizziness and brain fog. I know now to sit down when I get dizzy, that save a lot of bumps on the head and skinned elbows.

What I have trouble with, is the loss of hearing and the loneliness that it causes. My left ear feels like there is a balloon blown up in it and the ringing is non stop. I can't figure out where loud sounds are coming from, which can be a little bit scary at times. If a blow dryer is on and you are talking I have now idea what you are saying.

The loneliness come from not being able to hear, and almost being afraid to leave the house. When you have the ringing and the fullness in your ear it very easy to get locked into your own head. At night it seems to be worse and you are so worn out from fighting the dizziness.

The good thing is you know that it won't last forever you just have to wait it out. 

What is Meniere's disease?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

So we are back from The Lancaster Flea Market, it is nothing like my beloved Londonderry, but it does have it's charms.
I will start setting up in Lancaster next Sunday, I pray all goes well.

This was something
I had never seen at
a flea market before.
A booth for witch craft
kind of cool, but I don't

play around with stuff
like that.

This is the Lancaster Diner,
you see this right when you
walk in. Can't tell you to much
about it we didn't get anything.

All kinds of old jewelr

This was cool about 100
kinds of different hot sauces.

Sunday 11/6/11

I am off to the Lancaster Flea Market today, Lancaster Mass. They are only open on Sundays, but it is indoors and opened year round. I really thought about taking the 5 months off, now I see there is not anyway to do that. I am hoping I can get a following like I have in Londonderry to hold me over.

I plan on taking some pictures today and posting them later.

I guess I should go get Joe up, he is going to set up over in Salem NH today.

Here is a great book to read if you like flea markets

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday 11/3/11

I have not posted in a while, bad me. I kind of started this blog to jump start my brain. I can blame not writing on a lot of things, but it comes down to laziness on my part. So this morning as I wait to see the sun come up I will tell you a little about myself.

My name is Lori, yet I go by Renee. I am in my 40s and loving it, I live in New Hampshire. I am the mother to 2 beautiful young woman, Tara and Claire. I have a live in lover (oh do I love to say that word) who is Joe aka Andy West.

My greatest achievement is my two girls, Tara and Claire. I brought them up alone without and outside help. I am now starting to feel that I did it right! (I use to feel that I let them down) My girls are strong in both mind and body, they look at life as an adventure. Neither one of them is materialistic, they like nice things, but it does not define them.

Tara is 25 and live in San Francisco. She has been there for almost 3 years now. She will start school this coming Jan. (Very excited about this) She is bright and funny and always on the go it seems. She has a taste for life and is a free spirit. She really takes after my mom's side of the family.

Claire is 21 and live at home with me. She started school this past fall!!!! (I am so proud of her) Like me, school was not easy for Claire. Claire is a old soul, she is me and my grandpa Tompkins rolled into one. She is a late social bloomer, in the past 12 months her world has opened up.

Well the sun is coming up, so I want to go out and watch it. I will write more later.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Living the dream

I have a girl friend who is always saying, “I want your life” when in fact a lot of times I want parts of her life. I think it's all about living the dream. The only problem is what is the dream. I think everybody dream is different and you need to figure out what yours is. 

What is your dream? I mean really sit down and think about this. What makes you happy? 

My friend, Tara's apartment is always clean free of clutter. Warm and inviting. My apartment, which I love is not. Now part of that is because of what I do for work. The other part is because I am lazy and a pack rat.

So part one of me living my dream would be a warm clutter free apartment. 

I guess I will go work on part 1 of my dream.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Saturday morning

Saturday morning and time to get up! I miss it being light in the morning, but the coffee is warm, so all is good.

I have one more weekend after this of working at the flea market. It gets cold up here in New England so they will close here for the season. I don't know what I'll do for cash after that, but I trust in the Lord to find me something.

I am a coupon shopper, been doing it for about 30 years. About 5 years ago I started taken all my extras to the Flea market and selling it all there. It has worked out very well me. I wish I have started doing this when my girls were small it would have made a big difference in our lives.


This picture was taken this past September, it give you an idea as to what I do. I don't do this to get rich. This is how I pay for the little extras in life. (like car insurance, and the cable bill)

Thursday, October 20, 2011


The best part of the day for me is the morning. I love the quiet and the feeling that you have the whole day ahead of you. That first cup of coffee in the morning. Everything is possible in the morning.

Today I have to go over to Nancy's and run quicken, than off to the shop to see if anythings need to be done.

Well I just woke Joe, and got him off to work. So now it is time for me to check face book and find out where today is going to take me.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Anger

On Sept. 1st 2011, I was kind of forced to resign from my job of 10 years.  I like to call it my early retirement.  I was a little bitter about it and scared about my future.  Lets face it now is not a good time to be unemployed in the U.S.  

I felt very betrayed by a person I thought was a close friend. They could have saved my job at anytime, but chose not too. I really have no one to blame but myself for being loyal to this person. It's funny you know, I thought I had forgiven this person, but as I write this I find that the anger is still there.

I have never told this person and never will. (This person is not a good listener, the type that is only thinking about what they can say next) So maybe if I write it down I can get over it and on to my next adventure!

So here goes

At anytime you could have stepped up to the plate and told Mr. Cappa that you told me to do it. (you knew I would not throw you under the bus without your say so)

You strung me along with this new shop, that I was going to help you build. Knowing full well you weren't going to keep any of your promises. (my fault again because after being with you for 10 years I should have known)

Did you every stop and think about what I was losing by protecting you? Your retirement is in the bag, mine is not. So thank you for your hand out and helping me to feel small.

You can put any kind of spin on this that you want, but everyone who was there knows the truth and you can't change that. THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE.

Now I have said it, put it out there and it is time for me to move on. My life is an adventure full of ups and downs.