Friday, September 1, 2017

My new eBay goals

1) I will list 20 new items EVERYDAY.

Selling on eBay is a numbers game. The more you list, the more you are going to sell.  The more you sell, the higher eBay moves you up in the rankings. Which means your items will be seen by more people.

The 20 items I am going to list each day will be prepared the night before. Taking photos is boring and my eyes get tired. So it is better if I do it first thing in the morning.

I will list the 20 items by category to speed on the process. Meaning if I am listing books it will 20 books that day.  Mens shirts will be 20 mens shirt that day, and so on.

2) I will clean my eBay room every night.

It is much easier to list and be productive in a neat, clean, organized room than working in chaos.

3) I will have the mailman or women pick up my orders everyday.

This is a service that the USPS offers free, when you ship anything Priority mail. I have never used this service. But at the new location this will save time in my day and make eBay a little easier.

4) I will pick a mandatory day to source.

Sourcing is fun, it’s like a reward for doing good. In the past I have always felt guilty about going out and sourcing, because there is alway something at home I should be doing. Yet sourcing is part of my job, so I will now give it a whole day to get it done.

Plus with I will need a 140 items every week to hit my 20 items per day.

Sourcing Day will also include sorting all the item brought that day into category. That will help with keeping the eBay room organized and also with listing the 20 items everyday. NO DEATH PILES

5) I will source higher value items.

They are harder to find, but just as easy to list. Plus once you really start looking for them it will become easier to know what you are looking for.

6) I will put out the money for better equipment.

I have no one to blame but myself if I don’t make the money I need to live. I hope by following these guild lines I can have balance in my life. 

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